As news of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads, there is plenty of confusion, misinformation, and panic. Most people agree that this illness is a serious concern. However, “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7). Therefore, the White Oak Baptist Church leadership seeks to encourage everyone to remain calm, while taking the necessary steps to minimize risk. 

Here is a quick overview of the current situation as we understand it—as well as an overview of what White Oak is doing for the protection of our beloved members.


The Centers for Disease Control recently raised the level of concern about the expected spread of the Coronavirus in the United States. (You can visit www.cdc.gov to get accurate information from these experts.) At this point, the virus is spreading so quickly that today’s numbers could mean nothing tomorrow. This seems certain: Certain populations are at greater risk for being unable to adequately fight the virus, including the elderly and persons with compromised immune systems such as those with asthama, cancer, and diabetes. We appreciate the government officials, community leaders, and civil servants who are working to minimize the spread of COVID-19. They face a challenging task, and we should pray that God grants them wisdom.


  1. For the safety of our staff and visitors, our staff is endeavoring to clean all surfaces and doorknobs more often and more thoroughly than usual during this season of increased concern. We have also provided hand sanitizer throughout the facilities to help equip and encourage our staff and others to stay sanitized.

  2. Should we be able to meet in the coming weeks, we ask everyone to refrain from close contact. While we love our friendly greeting time, we would encourage you to get creative should the occasion arise—fist bumps or elbow taps are two alternatives to our usual hugs and handshakes.

  3. Out of an abundance of caution and in light of recommendations from our governor, the CDC, and our President, we are discontinuing all services until further notice. We are working on an option to worship online. Contact the church office at 864.244.4955 for more information.

  4. Sadly, the virus outbreak means we should avoid visiting those in the hospital and nursing homes through at least April. This move is for the safety of patients and family members. Do continue to connect by phone or social media with those who are away from us. 


  • Wash hands frequently and vigorously for at least 20 seconds (one verse of “Amazing Grace” should do it!) especially after using the restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. 

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Minimize contact with doorknobs, handles, handrails, elevator buttons, and other commonly touched objects when out in public.

  • Use disinfectant to clean objects and surfaces that you touch often at home, including countertops, doorknobs, keyboards, tablets, and phones.

  • Cover your mouth with a tissue (or your arm) when coughing or sneezing.

  • Reduce unnecessary exposure to sick persons by avoiding all personal contact and staying away from anyone having flulike symptoms. Avoid hospitals and doctors’ offices unless absolutely necessary.

  • Don’t share food or drinks with others. 

  • Stay home if you are ill. Those with the flu or flulike symptoms (fever, cough, nasal congestion, sore throat, or shortness of breath) should avoid being around others.

Our first priority is the safety of our members, their families, and our community. While we do not want to minimize the seriousness of this virus, we do want to speak peace to a rising wave of anxiety. We choose to place our trust in God, Who directly controls our every circumstance for our good and His glory.


Viruses are contagious—

as are panic, fear, frenzy, hysteria,

love, laughter, enthusiasm, kindness, joy.

Choose wisely.