Our Core Values

1 Peter 2:5 captures one of the great realities of the church of Jesus Christ:  “You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (ESV).  We honor and celebrate the unique nature of every member in our White Oak family (“living stones”) as we commit ourselves as a church family to the following core values (“spiritual sacrifices”) for the life of our church. These shared values identify who we are, keep us focused on Christ’s guidance and empowerment, and give us unity in our fellowship.

EXaltation - “We will seek to please and glorify God ...”

The White Oak Baptist Church family believes that honoring God in all we do is an essential quality of Christian living. Through our proclamation of the Word, our various ministries, our study, our training, and our outreach, we strive to exalt the Lord with excellence because we want to do all things for His glory. As Paul exhorts us, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Cor. 10:31, ESV).

EVANGELISM - “... by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord ...”

Under the direct commission of Jesus Christ, White Oak Baptist exists to declare and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our neighbors, our city, our state, our country, and the entire world. All of our church ministries and programs will be Gospel-focused. We conclude every worship service with a public invitation for people to respond to the Gospel’s clear message of hope and life. We challenge all church members to share their faith daily in the workplace, at school, and wherever people gather.

ENGAGEMENT - “... to as many people as possible .”

Fully engaging in the life of the church is the joyful responsibility of every member of White Oak Baptist. We empower members to faithfully participate in multiple areas of church ministry. We challenge every member to participate in missions opportunities. We believe that every member has a financial responsibility to support the work of Christ on Earth through the church. By participating in each of these areas of service, a member will experience the fullness of our church fellowship.

EQUIPPING - “We will develop and nurture our church family in Christian living ...”

Paul says that Christ gifted the church with called leaders “to equip of the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:12 ESV). One of the great passions of this church family is to see each member intentionally participate in the process of Christian growth and development in the lives of fellow saints. White Oak offers many opportunities for discipleship, such as expository preaching, missions activities, mentoring, and our Sunday School. We seek to strengthen the faith of those who believe and to bring to faith those who are still searching

EXPANSION - “... and employ the most effective means possible to reach the world ...”

White Oak is committed to using the most effective strategies available (both old and new) to reach people for Christ. Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 9:22, “To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak; I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some” (ESV).

ENCOURAGEMENT - “... and make an eternal impact for CHRIST in this and future generations ...”

We believe that a thriving church fosters an atmosphere of acceptance where people build authentic friendships through and in Jesus Christ. We believe that the local church should be a place where God’s people experience belonging, safety, forgiveness, support, and encouragement. As we develop our people in Christian living, we desire to see individuals and families strengthened by the love shared among the people of White Oak Baptist Church.

ENtreating - “... depending on god, by his grace, to help us.”

We believe that a posture of dependence by God’s people is actually the place of greatest strength. We show our dependence as a church body through devoted, continual, regular, and informed individual and corporate prayer, where we beseech God for His help as we work diligently for His glory and for gospel and ministry purposes.