White Oak Baptist Church

Who We Are

White Oak Baptist Church, founded in 1895, is an autonomous Baptist church which chooses to be affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, the South Carolina Baptist Convention, and the Greenville Baptist Association.

As a church, we exist to glorify God and to impact the world with the good news of Jesus Christ.  We are deeply committed to making and nurturing disciples and in creating an environment in which a relationship with God can grow.  As a community of Christians, we seek to please God by doing unto others as Christ has done unto us.

Hope. Healing. Wholeness.

At White Oak we understand that life is tough. Challenges are sometimes overwhelming. Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on during those times.

People at White Oak can serve as that shoulder. We believe the comfort we receive from God through His Son, Jesus Christ, gives us the ability to comfort others who are going through similar challenges.

Whatever you are facing in life right now, know that you don’t have to face it alone. Know that you have potential friends at White Oak who want to stand by your side.


White Oak exists to glorify God and to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with a lost world. We’re steadfastly committed to making and nurturing disciples who love God supremely and their neighbors as themselves. We seek to create an joyous and worshipful environment in which such relationships can flourish.

We believe that our every endeavor at White Oak should affirm God’s preeminence and authority. We seek to challenge one another to join in weekly worship services and to seek ways to serve one another, our community, and our world—and thus fulfill the gospel.

Baptist Faith & Message statement
